I went to Whistler last weekend (Sat~ Mon morning). It was wicked experience! Whistler was beautiful and peacuful. Mike has a condo there. That condo(Iron wood?) has hot tub, swimming pool, BBQ place, and that condo is pretty close to Whistler town. We were try to do mountain biking, but for some reason, we couldn’t make it.
Interesting thing was, everything was Notrh American style – for sure, because it’s in Canada- and when I compare them with Korean style, it was kind of funny.
1. meal. In Korea, we usally eat Kimchi and meat(3layer pork sam-gyup-sal). and we make a Ssam. and we love Korean style meal, so we make kimchi-Jjigae, Ramen, sort of things and share them. In here, Canada, we bought beef, chicken and BBQ them. and corn+butter, potato, salad, dressing, bacon. Which is totally Western style. We had popcorn, and chips. I like both, but I have to say that I miss something spicy when I almost finish meal at Whistler.
2. drink. in Korea, we usually drink Soju and some beer. and we buy together and share them. usually we never buy stuff sperate. here, Canada, we went to liquor store, and bought our own liquor seperate, I bought Sminoff triple black diamond, someone bout vodka and coke and someone bought hard-lemonade. I kind of prefer Korean way, because drinking is suppose to be getting togeter. And in Korean way, we can’t help but get together 🙂 For someone, doesn’t really know about Soju, they have to see how Korean drink Soju to understand what I mean. I kind of like Korean way and culture of drinking.
3. what’s hot tub? what’s public bath? in Korea, hot tub is hard to find. but in Canada, I don’t think they have public bath. When I was in Whistler, hot tub was one of the thing that I likst best. There was hot tub, and swimming pool right next each other. also, BBQ place was there too. Since people suppose to wear something when they get into hot tub, they just hang out and move to swimming pool, and BBQ easily. It was new experience for me, and also very good to relax and take it easy. However, Korean style public bath, Jjim-jil-bang lately is another joy. There is good and various bathes, and Jjim-jil bang has also great system and stuff to enjoy. It’s hard to say that which one (Korean or Canadian) is better, but hot tub and swimming pool was new experience for me.
4. party. well, hereis something that Korea doesn’t really have. I think party culture here. meeting new people, we can dance, drink, hang out. There is something similar in Korea too, but it’s rare. In Whistler, party was good, I couldn’t see ‘wet T-shirt competetion’ but mood was good and music was great. There was famous DJ comming, and he was awesome. Because of my English and culture thing, it wasn’t easy to hang out well with them, but I enjoyed to being there anyways.
When we were comming back to Vancouver it took around 1 and half hour to come back to Vancouver, even though it was fast driving, it is good to have some place like Whistler in 2 hours drive distance.
Whistler trip was very good to relax, and enjoy North-American way vacation.