Mac is beautiful
Mac just works.
Now, I’m using Mac at work. It’s my first time to use Mac, but it’s really good. If some one ask me “what’s that good? compare to Window?” then actually I can’t really tell many things. But I know Mac makes me moe comfortable, and Mac’s User Interfase is really make sense. also, “IT JUST WORKS”. I don’t have to care about too many hassle things like virus, security crash.
I’m thinking to but a new laptop. So I’m thinking what should I buy.. basically I want to install Linux to my new laptop. that case both is possible. But Mac is basically Unix. hm…..
I’m thinking to bu a inspiron 700m (dell) that support high resolution and also price is reasonable. good spec too. but for Mac laptop (iBook, powerBook) I have to give up some things and I have to pay more. I’m thinking to buy just x86 laptop this time and move to Mac laptop next time. You know, I’m student and I’m poor. haha.
It is really happy thing that working w/ Mac.
It makes me.. “feel so good”
Actually sometimes I imagine using Mac in the library in my University. In Korea Mac is not really popular as much as North America, so many girls will see my machine. (apple logo at the back side make iBook, powerBook obvious Mac.)